2013년 11월 22일 금요일

Sanjuanita Courtois 's blog ::Profiles in the Financial Aid Profession: Bob Walker (Creighton University) and Judi Walker (University of Nebraska Medical Center)

Sanjuanita Courtois 's blog ::Profiles in the Financial Aid Profession: Bob Walker (Creighton University) and Judi Walker (University of Nebraska Medical Center)

               As               teenagers               enter               their               senior               year               of               high               school,               many               begin               to               work               through               the               tedious               paperwork               to               prepare               for               college.

In               addition               to               the               overwhelming               events               of               finishing               high               school,               including               graduation,               finals,               exit               exams               and               extracuricullar               activities,               high               school               seniors               are               eagerly               relying               on               their               parents               to               work               through               the               paperwork               nightmare               so               often               associated               with               college               admission.

For               parents,               the               key               is               accuracy               and               timing.

In               an               effort               to               improve               the               efficiency               of               the               college               admissions               process,               the               following               is               an               outline               of               the               procedures               for               obtaining               federal               financial               assistance               for               your               future               college               student.
               In               an               effort               to               timely               prepare               for               financial               assistance,               as               part               of               the               college               admissions               process,               determine               the               exact               deadlines               for               financial               aid               processing               through               the               school               your               child               will               attend.

When               discussing               aid               with               the               school,               inquire               as               to               what               additional               paperwork               may               be               needed,               in               addition               to               the               FSFSA               application,               to               qualify               for               financial               aid.

Some               states               and               schools               vary               with               regard               to               the               additional               financial               aid               paperwork               and               deadline               requirements.
               Next,               and               before               completing               any               FSFSA               financial               aid               paperwork,               the               following               documents               should               be               gathered               as               they               will               be               referenced               during               the               process:               social               security               numbers               for               the               parents               as               well               as               the               senior               in               high               school,               most               recent               calendar               year               tax               returns,               copies               of               the               last               three               months               of               bank               statements,               driver's               license               numbers,               documentation               of               any               nontaxable               income               and               copies               of               any               investment               property               or               investment               account               documents.
               Once               these               documents               are               gathered,               log               on               to               www.fsfsa.ed.gov,               complete               the               online               application.

Ensure               all               information               is               accurate               and               submit               the               documentation               with               the               appropriate               code               designation               for               the               college,               or               colleges,               or               your               high               school               senior               plans               to               attend.

By               doing               so,               all               financial               aid               information               will               be               stored               with               regard               to               those               prospective               schools               even               if               the               prospective               college               student               does               not               actually               attend               that               particular               school.

As               a               general               rule,               financial               aid               applications,               for               school               years               beginning               in               the               fall,               are               generally               no               earlier               than               January               1st               of               the               same               calendar               year.
               Upon               review               of               the               FSFSA               form,               the               results               of               the               financial               need               will               be               returned               to               you               in               a               document               referred               to               as               the               SAR,               Student               Aid               Report.

This               document               may               be               delivered               via               email               or               standard               mail               depending               on               the               method               you               choose.

Upon               receipt,               supply               this               document               to               the               financial               aid               office               of               the               college               or               university               your               high               schools               senior               plans               to               attend               at               which               time               the               school               will               make               the               calculations               to               determine               what,               if               any,               financial               aid               is               available.
               Under               the               FSFSA,               financial               need               for               pell               grants               (money               which               is               not               paid               back),               student               loans               (money               which               is               loaned               at               a               deferred               repayment               plan),               and               work               study               programs               (money               which               is               paid               in               exchange               for               employment),               are               all               taken               into               consideration.

For               most               scholarship               and               financial               aid               programs,               outside               of               the               FSFSA,               an               SAR               may               be               required               to               determine               eligibility.

So,               before               pursuing               financial               assistance               of               other               sources,               complete               the               FSFSA               first,               obtain               the               SAR               and               know               what               your               financial               position               will               be               well               in               advance               of               the               time               your               senior               graduates               from               high               school.

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office of admissions and financial aid
office of admissions and financial aid

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office of admissions and financial aid
office of admissions and financial aid

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office of admissions and financial aid
office of admissions and financial aid

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office of admissions and financial aid
office of admissions and financial aid

office of admissions and financial aid Image 4

office of admissions and financial aid
office of admissions and financial aid

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