2013년 11월 26일 화요일

About 'universities tuition fees'|UK University Tuition Fees - My thoughts

About 'universities tuition fees'|UK University Tuition Fees - My thoughts

               What               type               of               college               do               you               see               yourself               attending?

Different               types               of               colleges               suit               different               types               of               people.

Look               at               these               descriptions               to               help               you               see               where               you               fit.
               Community               or               Junior               Colleges
               Community               colleges               offer               a               degree               referred               to               as               an               associate               degree               after               the               completion               of               two               years               of               full-time               study.

They               frequently               offer               technical               programs               that               prepare               you               for               immediate               entry               into               the               job               market.

They               generally               cost               less               money,               and               credits               can               transfer               to               a               four-year               college               or               university.
               Upper-Division               Schools               (Colleges               /               Universities)
               Upper-division               schools               offer               four               years               of               undergraduate               study,               usually               in               specialized               programs               leading               to               a               bachelor's               degree.

Generally,               a               university               is               bigger               than               a               college               and               offers               more               majors               and               research               facilities.

Class               sizes               often               reflect               the               institutions               size               and               are               much               larger.

Some               classes               may               taught               by               graduate               students.

Universities               will               also               offer               degree               beyond               a               bachelor's,               such               as               a               masters               and               PHD.
               Liberal               Arts               Colleges
               Liberal               arts               colleges               offer               a               broad               base               of               courses               in               the               humanities,               social               sciences,               and               sciences.

Most               are               private               and               focus               mainly               on               undergraduate               students.

Classes               tend               to               be               small               and               personal               attention               is               available.
               Public               vs.

               On               the               one               hand,               public               colleges               are               usually               less               expensive,               particularly               for               in-state               residents.

They               get               most               of               their               money               from               the               state               or               local               government.

Private               colleges               rely               on               tuition,               fees,               endowments,               and               other               private               sources.

On               the               other               hand,               private               colleges               are               usually               smaller               and               can               offer               more               personalized               attention               (and               some               believe               more               prestige).
               Agricultural,               Technical,               and               Specialized               Colleges
               Have               you               made               a               clear               decision               about               what               you               want               to               do               with               your               life?

Specialized               colleges               emphasize               preparation               for               specific               careers.

Examples               include               Art/music,               Bible,               Business,               Health               Science,               Seminary/rabbinical,               and               Teaching.
               Single-Sex:               All               four-year               public               colleges               and               most               private               schools               are               co-ed.

In               terms               of               single-sex               colleges,               there               are               about               50               specifically               for               men               and               about               70               specifically               for               women.

Some               may               enroll               a               few               men               or               women.
               Religiously               Affiliated               Colleges:               Some               private               colleges               are               affiliated               with               a               religious               faith.

The               affiliation               may               be               historic               only               or               it               may               affect               day-to-day               student               life.
               Historically               Black               Colleges:               Historically               black               colleges               find               their               origins               in               the               time               when               African               American               students               were               systematically               denied               access               to               most               other               colleges               and               universities.

These               schools               offer               students               a               unique               opportunity               to               experience               an               educational               community               in               which               they               are               part               of               the               majority.

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    11. Universities Tuition Fees - Blog Homepage Results

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