2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'online masters degree programme'|Reasons to Get Into an Online Master Degree Program and How

About 'online masters degree programme'|Reasons to Get Into an Online Master Degree Program and How

My               College               Degree               The               University               of               Winchester               offers               a               masters               programme               that               is               very               specialized:               Writing               for               Children.

There               are               only               a               handful               of               universities               in               the               world               with               a               programme               like               this;               I               know               of               one               in               the               U.S.A,               two               in               England               (including               Winchester),               and               one               in               Australia.

I               loved               the               course,               and               graduated               from               this               MA               programme               with               distinction               in               2005.

So               five               years               on,               how               have               I               been               able               to               use               an               MA               in               a               sub-area               of               English?
               Further               Education               and               Non-Relevant               Job
               My               course,               although               it               taught               me               a               lot               about               writing               and               children's               books,               didn't               teach               me               any               practically               skills               about               how               to               make               a               living               in               this-or               any-field.

So               my               first               course               of               action               upon               graduating               was               to               immediately               start               work               on               a               PhD.

I               also               worked               at               a               doctor's               surgery.

The               job               was               useful               at               the               time               because               it               had               hours               that               fit               in               with               my               university               schedule,               but               it               didn't               make               any               use               of               my               degree.

They               were               glad               that               I               had               an               education,               but               it               didn't               matter               to               them               what               it               was               in.

This               is               something               that               happens               to               a               lot               of               English               graduates.

They               go               on               to               either               get               more               education               (there               are               a               lot               of               jokes               about               how               the               only               thing               a               degree               in               English               is               good               for               is               getting               accepted               to               do               another               degree               in               English),               or               to               do               a               job               that               is               non-specific.

After               a               year               I               put               my               PhD               studies               on               hold               due               to               a               range               of               factors,               including               the               birth               of               my               first               kid.
               Doing               What               I               Studied:               Creative               Writing
               At               this               point,               I               realized               that               having               qualifications               in               writing               can               actually               be               applied               to               a               lot               of               self-employment               options.

I               have               written               poems               and               short               stories               that               have               been               published               in               various               magazines.

I               haven't               made               very               much               money               off               of               my               creative               writing               yet,               but               it               is               very               satisfying               to               actually               write               and               be               published,               especially               as               I               put               so               much               work               into               getting               my               masters               in               writing               for               children.

I               am               still               writing               creatively.
               Making               Money:               Writing               Non-Fiction
               More               lucratively,               I               realized               that               I               can               apply               the               writing               principles               that               I               learned               to               non-fiction               writing               and               teaching.

I               began               writing               for               websites               on               a               small               scale               for               Helium,               and               eventually               began               writing               more               seriously               for               more               sites               (my               favourite               and               steadiest               earner               is               Associated               Content).

I               also               keep               a               blog               that               I               really               enjoy               doing,               and               it's               slowly               but               steadily               gaining               an               audience.

OK,               it's               not               writing               for               children,               but               it               is               still               writing,               and               it               helps               keep               a               roof               over               my               head.

This               application               of               my               degree               has               been               especially               good               for               me               as               I               have               a               young               family,               and               this               allows               me               to               work               flexible               hours               from               home.

It               doesn't               matter               that               I               studied               writing               for               children,               I               learned               how               to               write               quickly               and               effectively,               and               this               has               put               me               in               a               good               position               to               write               professionally.
               Using               My               Qualifications:               Teaching/Tutoring
               Most               universities               require               you               to               have               a               PhD               to               lecture               English,               but               there               are               other               ways               to               teach.

I               taught               creative               writing               classes               online               for               about               a               year.

I               have               also               taught               adult               education               classes               in               creative               writing               and               poetry,               and               I've               really               loved               being               involved               with               these               classes               and               being               able               to               share               my               knowledge               about               writing.

Also,               I               began               tutoring               teenagers               through               a               private               tutoring               company.
               Personal               Life
               I               know               have               a               young               family,               and               having               studied               Writing               for               Children               has               helped               me               to               become               a               better               mother.

Not               only               am               I               thankful               for               everything               that               I               learned               about               childhood               development               and               children               in               general,               I               also               have               a               love               of               literature               and               children's               books               that               I               can               share               with               my               kids.

I               love               reading               with               them,               and               we               take               frequent               trips               to               the               library.

I               think               that               my               degree               has               helped               to               foster               a               love               of               reading               and               learning               in               my               children               from               a               very               young               age.
               Although               my               career               hasn't               turned               out               the               way               that               I               expected               it               to               while               I               was               a               student,               I               have               been               able               to               utilize               my               college               degree               (MA-Writing               for               Children)               in               my               professional               and               personal               life.

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online masters degree programme

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online masters degree programme

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online masters degree programme
online masters degree programme

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online masters degree programme

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online masters degree programme

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