2013년 11월 26일 화요일

About 'admissions fees'|Admission Fee + Time Commitment ≤ Museum Experience (We Hope!)

About 'admissions fees'|Admission Fee + Time Commitment ≤ Museum Experience (We Hope!)

Scarborough               Renaissance               Festival               Information
               2511               FM               66
Waxahachie,               TX               75167
(972)938-3247               Times               of               Operation:               Early               April               to               the               end               of               May,               only               on               weekends               from               10am-7pm.

               Cost               of               Admission:               $24               for               adults               and               $9               for               adults               (at               the               gate).

Children               4               and               under               are               free.
               Waxahachie's               Scarborough               Renaissance               Festival               is               a               popular               fair               located               about               45               minutes               south               of               Dallas.

Every               late               spring,               the               grounds               open               to               reveal               the               mid-century               shoppes,               costumes,               and               full-on               energy.

The               employees               of               the               Renaissance               festival               are               dressed               in               extravagant               and               believable               costumes.

Visitors               are               encouraged               to               wear               costumes,               and               there               is               no               shortage               of               costume-clad               visitors.

Once               in               Waxahachie,               the               drive               to               the               festival               is               short;               take               I-35               to               FM               66               -               follow               the               festival               signs               from               there.
               Upon               entering               the               parking               grounds,               employees               direct               early               arrivers               to               parking               spots.

Unlike               many               other               fairs               I've               been               to,               this               festival               has               free               parking.

The               welcoming               sign               at               the               grounds               read               "Prepare               thyself               for               merriment."               We               arrived               about               20               minutes               after               10am,               and               I               could               already               see               many               visitors               wearing               colorful               costumes.
               After               paying               out               admissions               fees,               we               noticed               that               is               actually               cost               $3               to               receive               a               program               with               a               map               and               performance               schedules.

That               was               kind               of               a               downer,               but               the               surrounding               energy               was               high               and               upbeat,               so               we               bought               a               program               anyway               and               trucked               inside.
               Everywhere               was               full               of               music,               costumes,               and               laughing.

It               was               very               entertaining               to               see               all               the               different               outfits               and               makeup.

By               the               time               we               left               hours               later,               I               almost               believed               these               people               were               straight               from               the               past.

The               festival               employees               and               Renaissance               fanatics               were               very               believable               in               their               roles.

It               was               definitely               a               rowdy               bunch               -               pints               of               beer               every               which               way,               yelling               and               cursing,               and               music               from               unusual               instruments               made               it               a               very               laid               back               and               fun               atmosphere.
               The               food               available               for               purchase               were               fitting               for               the               theme               -               turkey               legs,               steak               on               a               stick,               wraps,               and               more               -               everything               smelled               so               good.

There               was               a               pretzel               seller               who               wandered               around               the               grounds               hollering               about               his               pretzels.


Fresh               Pretzels!"               His               voice               could               carry!
               There               were               a               few               children's               rides               that               were               all               powered               by               men.

There               were               horse,               cow,               llama,               elephant               and               camel               rides               as               well.

I               chose               to               hop               on               an               elephant               with               my               son               for               $5               bucks               each.
               The               shows               were               good.

They               were               also               fitting               for               the               Renaissance               theme,               with               blunt               and               sometimes               inappropriate               humor.

I               think               some               of               the               employees               were               paid               with               beer,               if               you               know               what               I               mean.

It               was               definitely               amusing.

At               one               point               during               the               day,               a               parade               busted               out               of               nowhere,               which               was               quite               entertaining.
               The               downside               to               the               festival               is               that               the               admission               fees               didn't               get               you               far.

You               still               had               to               pay               for               the               rides               and               such,               along               with               any               souvenirs               and               food,               of               course.

However,               there               was               still               enough               to               see               to               say               it               was               fun.

If               you               have               the               money               to               spare,               I               would               recommend               the               Scarborough               Renaissance               Festival               to               anyone               ready               to               see               something               new.

Be               prepared               to               spend               a               good               chunk               of               money,               though,               and               bring               your               camera.

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