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About 'baseball prospect camp'|February 29, 2012 – Tracking the elusive Lofton beast and grabbing baseballs- Indians and Padres Camp

About 'baseball prospect camp'|February 29, 2012 – Tracking the elusive Lofton beast and grabbing baseballs- Indians and Padres Camp

It               is               foolish               to               make               any               decisions               based               on               stats               accumulated               in               Spring               Training.

First               off,               the               level               of               competition               is               not               the               same               during               Cactus               or               Grapefruit               League               play               as               it               is               during               the               regular               season.

Stars               rarely               play               a               full               game               and               the               box               score               is               filled               with               guys               who               will               not               play               in               the               Majors               in               the               coming               seasons.

Also,               established               players               frequently               use               Spring               Training               to               try               different               things.

Eric               Chavez               is               working               on               a               new               batting               stance,               Brad               Penny               is               throwing               more               changeups               and               breaking               balls,               Bill               Wagner               is               trying               out               a               splitter               -               those               are               just               three               examples               of               all-stars               working               on               new               things.

But               the               most               important               reason               one               should               not               make               any               decisions               based               on               Spring               Training               stats               is               that               nobody               accumulates               enough               playing               time               to               make               them               worthwhile.

The               leaders               on               most               teams               right               now               will               have               somewhere               around               50               at-bats               and               that               is               simply               not               enough               for               the               stats               to               have               any               meaningful               significance.
               Last               year,               Rockies               shortstop               Clint               Barmes               had               the               lowest               batting               average               of               any               player               that               qualified               for               the               batting               title.

He               hit               just               .220               in               478               at-bats.

But               from               July               13th-July               27th,               in               53               at-bats,               Barmes               had               21               hits               and               posted               a               .396               average.
               While               players               do               not               accumulate               enough               at-bats               to               make               meaningful               decisions,               it               is               still               fun               to               see               how               certain               players               do               in               Spring               Training.

After               all,               a               small               sample               size               is               better               than               none               at               all.

But               it               is               best               to               use               these               stats               to               confirm               what               we               already               know.

My               favorite               use               of               Spring               Training               stats               is               to               see               how               top               rookies               or               young               players               are               performing.

Here's               a               quick               rundown               of               10               up               and               coming               ballplayers               who               are               having               very               good               Spring               Training               results.
               Ryan               Braun:               One               of               the               top               prospects               for               the               Brewers,               Braun               hit               .353               with               a               .912               slugging               percentage               in               34               at-bats               before               being               sent               to               Minor               League               camp.

Braun               had               eight               extra-base               hits,               including               five               home               runs,               in               Spring               Training.

But               Braun               had               trouble               fielding               the               ball.

He               will               need               to               show               that               he               can               make               the               plays               at               third               base               in               the               Minors               before               getting               his               first               promotion               to               the               Majors.
               Billy               Butler:               Billed               as               one               of               the               top               hitters               in               the               Minor               Leagues,               Butler               lived               up               to               the               hype               in               Spring               Training,               batting               .419               with               a               .774               slugging               percentage               in               31               at-bats.

One               of               two               Royals               prospects               on               this               list,               Butler               will               start               the               season               in               the               Minors               and               prove               he               can               play               a               position               other               than               designated               hitter.

But               even               if               he               can't,               that               bat               will               be               useful               in               Kansas               City               very               soon.
               Alberto               Callaspo:               A               middle               infielder               for               the               Diamondbacks,               Callaspo               hit               .444               with               a               .622               slugging               mark               in               45               at-bats.

If               starting               second               baseman               Orlando               Hudson               should               stumble,               Arizona               should               have               a               replacement               waiting               in               Callaspo.
               Alex               Gordon:               The               front               runner               for               the               American               League               Rookie               of               the               Year,               Alex               Gordon               has               posted               great               Spring               Training               numbers,               batting               .390               with               a               .659               slugging               mark               in               41               at-bats.

Seven               of               his               16               hits               have               gone               for               extra-base               hits.

The               Royals               have               announced               that               he               will               be               the               club's               starting               third               baseman               on               Opening               Day.
               Josh               Hamilton:               This               is               hands               down               the               feel-good               story               of               Spring               Training.

Hamilton,               the               first               pick               in               the               1999               draft,               played               in               just               15               games               the               past               four               seasons               due               to               personal               problems               stemming               from               drug               abuse.

Selected               by               the               Reds               in               the               Rule               5               draft,               Hamilton               is               batting               .476               with               a               .667               slugging               mark               in               Spring               Training.

Hamilton               has               to               remain               with               the               Reds               all               season               long               or               be               offered               back               to               Tampa               Bay               for               half               of               the               $50,000               waiver               fee               that               Cincinnati               paid               to               acquire               him.

The               Reds               could               also               make               a               deal               with               the               Devil               Rays               for               Hamilton.

If               they               do               this,               he               could               be               sent               to               the               Minor               Leagues               to               get               the               at-bats               that               he               needs.

Whatever               happens,               it               is               good               to               see               the               young               man               get               his               life               back               on               track.
               Howie               Kendrick:               Kendrick               saw               significant               action               for               the               Angels               in               the               second               half               of               last               season.

With               Adam               Kennedy               allowed               to               leave               via               free               agency,               the               second               base               job               is               Kendrick's               this               season.

He's               batting               .400               with               a               .689               slugging               mark.

He               has               seven               extra-base               hits               among               his               18               safeties               so               far               in               Spring               Training               action.
               Cameron               Maybin:               Maybin               may               be               a               couple               of               years               away               from               the               Majors               but               he               certainly               opened               eyes               by               hitting               .429               with               a               .905               slugging               mark               in               Spring               Training               this               year.

Four               of               his               nine               hits               went               for               extra-bases,               with               two               triples               and               two               home               runs.
               Lastings               Milledge:               The               Mets               had               a               great               year               in               2006,               but               one               of               their               few               missteps               was               not               giving               Milledge               more               playing               time               in               the               Majors               once               they               cruised               to               the               National               League               East               title.

While               some               complained               about               his               attitude               in               the               Majors               last               year,               no               one               should               be               upset               with               his               .370               average               and               .543               slugging               mark               in               46               at-bats               so               far               in               Spring               Training.

While               the               Mets               plan               to               trot               out               the               corpse               of               Shawn               Green               to               open               the               season               in               right               field,               Milledge               should               take               over               at               some               point               during               the               2007               season.

And               the               sooner               it               happens,               the               better.
               Hunter               Pence:               Perhaps               no               youngster               has               had               a               better               Spring               Training               in               2007               than               Astros               outfielder               Hunter               Pence.

The               38th-ranked               prospect               by               Baseball               America,               Pence               produced               16               hits               in               his               first               28               at-bats               in               Spring               Training.

Eight               of               those               hits               went               for               extra-bases,               giving               Pence               a               1.071               slugging               mark.
               Troy               Tulowitzki:               While               the               Rockies               suffered               with               poor               hitting               from               the               aforementioned               Clint               Barmes               in               the               shortstop               position               in               2006,               help               is               on               the               way               with               Tulowitzki.

The               youngster               has               13               hits               in               his               first               36               at-bats               in               Spring               Training,               including               five               doubles.
               All               10               of               the               youngsters               mentioned               above               have               been               ranked               on               top               prospect               lists.

They               have               performed               well               over               a               full               season               or               more               in               the               Minor               Leagues,               which               has               cemented               their               status.

The               production               in               Spring               Training               does               not               trump               what               they               did               over               an               entire               season.

But               it               is               always               much               more               fun               to               see               the               youngsters               perform               well               than               not.

Just               ask               the               Diamondbacks'               Chris               Young,               the               12th-rated               prospect               by               Baseball               America.

I'm               sure               he               would               rather               be               doing               better               than               the               .217               is               he               hitting               in               Cactus               League               action.

Image of baseball prospect camp

baseball prospect camp
baseball prospect camp

baseball prospect camp Image 1

baseball prospect camp
baseball prospect camp

baseball prospect camp Image 2

baseball prospect camp
baseball prospect camp

baseball prospect camp Image 3

baseball prospect camp
baseball prospect camp

baseball prospect camp Image 4

baseball prospect camp
baseball prospect camp

baseball prospect camp Image 5

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