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About 'undergraduate admission office'|Get to Know Admissions

About 'undergraduate admission office'|Get to Know Admissions

Much               has               changed               since               May               4,               1970,               when               four               Kent               State               University               students               were               killed               and               nine               were               wounded               when               members               of               the               Ohio               National               Guard               fired               upon               them.

The               shootings               occurred               at               the               height               of               the               Vietnam               War               and               some               suggest               it               may               have               changed               many               people's               thinking               about               the               war.

The               event               even               inspired               a               popular               protest               song               titled               "Ohio"               by               the               band               Crosby,               Stills,               Nash               and               Young.
               Now               the               tragedy               is               marked               in               history               books               and               after               four               decades,               the               event               naturally               has               begun               to               fade               somewhat               from               the               national               stream               of               consciousness.

Not               every               student               who               attends               Kent               State               now               knows               about               May               4               prior               to               admission               to               the               college,               but               the               piece               of               the               university's               history               is               something               that               is               typically               taught               to               students               during               their               freshmen               orientation               classes.
               Each               year,               the               university               cancels               classes               for               a               few               hours               on               the               afternoon               of               May               4               so               that               commemorative               events               and               observations               can               be               held.

This               year               is               no               exception,               as               there               will               be               plenty               of               events               to               mark               the               tragedy's               40th               anniversary,               including               a               candlelight               vigil,               ringing               of               the               Victory               Bell,               speakers,               poetry               readings               and               more.
               Many               students               and               graduates               who               attended               Kent               State               simply               refer               to               the               shootings               as               "May               4,"               and               they               say               the               event               is               frequently               the               first               thing               people               outside               the               university               think               of               when               they               hear               about               Kent               State.
               Timothy               Muir,               a               22-year-old               Copley,               Ohio,               resident               who               recently               graduated               from               Kent               State               with               a               degree               in               electronic               media               production,               remembered               learning               about               May               4               in               high               school               and               from               his               mother,               who               attended               Kent               State               in               1970               after               the               shootings               occurred.
               Muir               is               an               outspoken               young               man               who               said               May               4               has               had               a               significant               impact               on               him,               even               though               he               wasn't               alive               when               the               event               occurred.
               "Looking               back,               I               realize               that               if               I               were               passionate               about               the               war               like               the               students               then               were,               I               may               have               let               myself               become               involved,"               Muir               said.

"Additionally,               I               think               about               how               the               students               involved               in               the               tragedy               were               mainly               not               even               involved               in               the               protests.

This               makes               me               think               a               lot               about               how               my               actions               go               a               lot               beyond               myself               and               those               immediately               around               me.

Even               though               I               may               disagree               with               something,               I               have               to               respect               the               people               and               community               around               me."
               Anastasa               Williams,               22,               grew               up               in               Pittsburgh               and               wasn't               aware               of               the               shootings               before               she               made               the               decision               to               attend               Kent               State.

After               graduating               in               May               2009               with               a               degree               in               English               and               a               minor               in               pre-law,               she               now               attends               Michigan               State               University               College               of               Law.
               "I               actually               was               pretty               surprised               to               know               that               it               happened               at               Kent,               because               I               did               not               take               Kent               for               much               of               a               liberal               university               upon               visiting,"               Williams               said.

"But,               unbeknownst               to               me,               Kent               was               an               extremely               liberal               school               during               that               time.

I               learned               about               the               May               4               event               in               my               first               year               orientation               class               and               from               different               people               in               general."
               She               believes               the               perception               on               campus               these               days               is               split               between               remembering               the               event               as               something               positive               or               negative.
               "I               always               saw               it               as               a               positive               way               to               spread               the               word               about               our               school               and               also               to               make               people               aware               that               Kent               State               has               moved               beyond               the               tragic               event               that               happened               40               years               ago               now,"               Williams               explained.

"Nevertheless,               there               are               some               people               who               would               rather               forget               about               it               because               it               does               seem               as               though               some               people               only               know               Kent               State               for               the               shootings               and               nothing               else."
               Kylan               Ward,               22,               graduated               from               Kent               State               in               December               2008               with               a               psychology               degree.

She's               now               a               graduate               student               at               Lynn               University               in               Boca               Raton,               Fla.
               Ward               remembered               learning               about               May               4               while               studying               history               in               high               school,               but               as               time               passes,               she               believes               younger               people               seem               less               interested               in               the               events               that               happened               that               day.
               "The               younger               generations               are               not               really               aware               of               the               significance               or               the               event               that               happened               on               that               day,"               Ward               said.

"I               say               this               because               as               I               am               currently               working               in               the               admissions               office               at               Lynn               University,               visitors               often               ask               me               where               I               did               my               undergraduate               studies.

When               I               say               that               I               went               to               Kent               State               University,               parents               and               grandparents               are               always               asking               about               May               4,               unlike               the               students,               who               are               unaware               of               the               events               that               took               place."
               Muir               said               people               think               of               May               4               in               different               ways.
               "For               many,               it               is               viewed               as               somewhat               of               an               awakening               of               the               power               of               students'               voices               and               the               ability               to               spark               change,"               he               said.

"They               remember               the               tragedy               of               the               students               involved               and               the               misunderstanding               of               how               the               situation               was               handled.

Mainly,               however,               I               believe               many               students               think               it               is               something               that               is               important               to               KSU               and               American               history,               even               if               they               don't               participate               in               its               continuing               observance."
               Others               wish               that               Kent               State               was               known               nationally               for               other               reasons,               Muir               said.
               "I               know               I've               heard               people               say               things               such               as,               'It               was               so               long               ago;               why               can't               we               come               up               with               something               else               to               be               known               for?'"               Muir               said.

"In               this               case,               I               don't               think               these               people               want               to               forget               it,               but               they               perhaps               want               something               new               to               remember."
               Ward               said               that               May               4               actually               has               had               more               of               a               role               in               her               life               now               than               when               she               was               in               school.
               "Given               that               Kent               State               University               is               my               alma               mater               and               part               of               my               history,               I               do               get               a               lot               of               questions               about               it,"               she               said.
               Anna               Riggenbach,               a               22-year-old               Canton,               Ohio,               resident               who               graduated               in               May               2008               with               a               degree               in               journalism               and               in               2009               with               a               master's               degree               in               liberal               studies,               also               feels               more               significance               with               May               4               now               that               she               is               finished               with               college.
               "Now               that               I'm               graduated,               I               realize               what               a               huge               piece               of               Kent               State               May               4               is,               and               looking               back,               I               really               think               it               was               a               huge               stepping               stone               for               students               to               get               their               voice               heard,"               Riggenbach               said.

"I               don't               think               a               lot               of               students               realize               what               an               important               part               of               history               it               is."

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undergraduate admission office

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undergraduate admission office

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undergraduate admission office

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undergraduate admission office
undergraduate admission office

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undergraduate admission office

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