2013년 12월 2일 월요일

About 'city university online'|... organized in your city * Join the online forums. Q. What was... and slots in public universities, and recommended ...

About 'city university online'|... organized in your city * Join the online forums. Q. What was... and slots in public universities, and recommended ...

A               shocking               yet               common               story               is               being               told               across               modern               China:               a               small               but               alarming               percentage               of               female               university               students               are               working               as               prostitutes.

This               article               covers               why               some               female               Chinese               university               students               have               chosen               to               work               in               the               sex               industry.

               In               a               2007               article               covering               the               police               investigation               of               a               prostitution               ring               in               China's               southern               city               of               Hangzhou,               a               quoted               police               officer               was               startled               to               make               the               following               three               (to               him)               unthinkable               discoveries               in               the               course               of               the               case:

They               (those               running               the               prostitution               ring)               could               so               openly               and               without               hiding               introduce               their               prostitution               services               on               the               web.


That               so               many               of               the               prostitutes               were               also               enrolled               university               students.


During               the               trial,               how               the               prostitutes               were               so               open               and               forthcoming.
               The               officer               went               on               to               note               how               the               girls               were               not               in               the               least               bit               ashamed               or               embarrassed               of               being               prostitutes               or               having               been               caught,               but               that               not               having               enough               money               to               buy               expensive               clothes               or               makeup               was               more               likely               to               cause               them               to               feel               embarrassment.
               What               has               happened               in               China               to               cause               such               a               social               phenomenon               to               occur?

Why               are               some               of               China's               daughters               working               as               hookers               with               attending               university?
               Why               University               Girls               Become               Prostitutes               
               Poor               Families               
               Some               girls               realize               their               families               are               financially               strapped,               and               so               take               on               the               relatively               high-paying               job               of               prostitution               to               lighten               the               economic               burden               of               parents,               who               usually               provide               money               for               their               children               while               they               attend               university.
               To               Live               Out               a               Depraved               Lifestyle               
               While               money               may               also               play               a               part               in               driving               these               girls               to               prostitution,               there               is               also               a               mental               desire               to               act               in               a               way               that               is               somehow               also               reprehensible,               even               if               they               know               this               type               of               lifestyle               is               "dirty"               or               "uncivilized,"               and               would               be               frowned               up               by               parents,               relatives,               or               friends.
               For               the               Love               of               Money               
               Children               of               modern               China               (who               were               born               near               or               after               1980)               grew               up               without               the               ideological               zeal               of               the               1950's-1960's               or               the               religious               and               moral               social               structure               that               was               pushed               to               the               background               after               the               introduction               of               the               "to               get               rich               is               glorious"               mantra               of               post-1979               Deng               Xiaoping's               "Economic               Reform               and               Opening               Up"               policy.

Just               as               many               westerners               attempt               to               fill               the               void               in               their               lives               with               material               possessions,               so               too               have               many               modern               Chinese               attempted               to               make               their               lives               more               whole               by               chasing               after               and               buying               an               endless               stream               of               material               goods.
               A               future               article               will               highlight               what               kind               of               person               purchases               the               services               of               female               Chinese               university               student               prostitutes.
               *               *               *
               Sources:               jxnews.com.cn,               enet.com.cn,               ChinaSmack

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